Hello everyone,
I can't believe it's almost Christmas. Aunty Claire has sent me a Mr Men Advent calendar, not that I can eat the chocolate yet. I would like to.
I'm LOVING real food at the moment. Mummy gave me pureed sweet potato and I'm not kidding, I just couldn't get enough. Same with the pureed apples and pears, though they've been a bit tricky for my relatively new constitution to process.
I've got two favourite toys - the giraffe in the picture above, and a scrunchy colourful butterfly. All the toys I have keep me entertained, but they're my particular faves at the mo. I'm sure I'll switch preference when Santa Claus has paid me a visit.
Auny M came down to visit this weekend - it was so nice to see her again and to her show her what I can do.
I've decided I'm an ABBA fan. Mummy was in the kitchen the other day and
Waterloo came on and i couldn't help but try to pull myself up on the couch and bounce up and down in time to the music. They sound fantastic!! I think these Bump and Rhyme classes are beginning to pay off.
I'm going to bed earlier and earlier these days, too. I'm generally sound asleep by 8pm, once Mummy has read me a little bit from
Charlotte's Web.
Looking forward to going to Spain again - only four more weeks to go!!!
Talk soon, love Little Lottie xxx