Thursday, November 07, 2013

Me - October 2013, Egypt

A little bit of winter sun . . .

Hi everyone
To bring you bang up to date, Mummy, Daddy and I have just returned from a couple of weeks in Egypt.
I know! I know! Civil unrest. But we were at Sharm el Sheik which is hundreds of miles away from the trouble and we had a wonderful time.
I met lots of other children and we had our own gang, the Ice Cream gang (we got free ice cream at the hotel). I saw lots, snorkelled lots and saw a leopard fish swim between my legs.
I was up dancing on the stage at the hotel lots and was hardly with Mummy and Daddy.
Oh - and we went to a big water park for a day, too.
I have been emailing my friends since we got home and I still have a tan.
We forgot to take our camera with us so rather than show you the selfies I took on my tablet (there are a LOT), we had some professional family pictures taken.
Here's the best of them. I know! I know! I'm a poser :)
I love you! Goodbye!
Charlotte xxx

A bit of a clever clogs . . .

While all the Summer fun was going on I had to do what every kid does at the end of the school year . . . get my school report.
I never know how these things are going to go. I love school. I love learning and I like playing with my friends. But you never really know how well you're doing. True, I did keep winning awards for being kind last term, but you never know. Thankfully, Mummy and Daddy were very happy with my report.
You can read a couple of excerpts here, but the upshot is that I'm good with computers (hello, I DO have my own tablet), I have a bubbly and infectious personality, I always do my homewaork, I always have a story to share and true to my Jesus Christ Superstar roots, I understand all different religions and like acting out the parables of Jesus!

Silly snaps

Me and lovely Wren on the tube in London

That was the summer that was ... part three

From Blackpool we drove up to Scotland for a few days on another nostalgia trip for Mummy and Aunty Claire. We went to a Haven park which was brilliant for me as it had lots of kids and heaps for me to do. Unfortunately I was really sick while I was in Scotland and did very little other than lie on the sofa and watch TV :( It was Mummy's birthday when were in Scotland and Daddy took us all out for a meal to celebrate. And we had caterpillar cake which was yummy.
When we got home four days later it turned out I'd had a cold sore virus just like my Mummy has and her mummy before her had. So atleast we know I'm not adopted! I was starting to feel better by the end of the week and managed a lovely night with Uncle Lenny, Aunty Michelle, Aunty Claire, Aunty Amy and Mummy and Daddy.

That was the summer that was . . . part two

Hi everyone! I've just been digging out some photos from the summer for you! After we'd been in London Aunty Claire and Aunty Amy came to stay at my house for a few days. I was really excited to show them all my toys and play with them in the garden. I got them both on the trampoline lots which was very funny as they kept getting tired. I told them needed more momentum!

They helped with my school project on the seaside and we had a lovely time before they went off on their travels. I wanted to go to but I was still at school. BUT!!! We went in the car for three hours and met them in Blackpool. I was feeling a little bit tired but Mummy and Aunty Claire were full of stories about how they had spent all their holidays as little girls there and wanted to show me, daddy and Aunty Amy around. We went to this amazing place with lots of roller coasters and rides and we had lots of fun. We walked for miles and had a great day.

That was the Summer that was . . . part one

Hi everyone,
I can't belive how quickly 2013 has gone. I am almost seven and a half and am already making my Christmas list for Santa.
But I've not been very good at keeping you up to date on my news so here's a quick recap . . .
Right after my birthday in June, Mummy, Daddy and I went for a weekend away to Manchester.
Mummy was born there and wanted to show us some of the parks and the places she used to go with Uncle Lenny and Aunty Claire when they were little.
It was brilliant although I did take a massive fall running down a hill at Lyme Park. It was so steep that my feet didn't touch the ground. I ruined my clothes and my shoes but I didn't hurt myself - Mummy broke my fall!

Aunty Claire and Aunty Amy arrived from Australia then too, so we got to hang out with them and go to more places Mummy and Aunty Claire remembered. It was lovely to see them - they brough me some cool skeleton pyjamas and adidas shoes which I needed after my fall - and it was lovely to finally meet Aunty Amy.

We met them again a week or so later in London. Mummy, Daddy and I had gone to London to see Aunty M and little Wren and we all went on the London Eye together. It was SO high up!! All the grown ups seemed really nervous of the height but Wren and I loved it so much. We could see Buckingham Palace from there - but the Queen wasn't home. We played in the sand at South Bank, had pizza and then got the train home on one of the hottest days of the year. We had a blast!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Can you believe I'm seven years old!!!

Hi everyone,
Thank you so much for the birthday cards, presents and good wishes. I had a brilliant day and I cannot believe I am seven years old. It only seems like two minutes ago that I started this blog.

My birthday came in two parts. On my actual birthday Mummy and Daddy drip-fed me presents all day so that I got to enjoy them all. Then I went out for dinner with Mummy, Daddy, Nana Liz, Uncle Lenny, Aunty Michelle and my cousins James  and Kris and Sam. That was a LOT of people and it was a lot of fun!!!
Birthday present highlights included my high heel dress-up shoes, Princess Jasmine outfit and bike from Mummy and Daddy, a Polly Pockets plane from Aunty Claire and Aunty Amy in Australia  and a Furby that talks to me all the time from Paps and Maria in Spain.. Spoiled does not even begin to cover it!!!

Then on Saturday I had a Teddy Bear's Picnic-themed birthday party. All my friends came over and we made teddy bears. And then we played games to win outfits for the bears. And THEN we sang 'Happy Birthday' to all the bears who were born actually at my party!!!

We played on my trampoline and in the house and Aunty M and Uncle Lenny and Aunty Michelle were brilliant at helping keep all the kids in line. Uncle Lenny brought a whistle which was a very clever idea.

I'm all birthday'd out now. I wish you all could have been with me to celebrate.
I'm enjoying being seven so far.

Talk soon,
Lots of love
Chare xxx

Monday, April 08, 2013

Finally getting to play outside . . .

All the lovely chocolate . . .

Hi everyone,
I hope you had a lovely Easter and that you got lots of Easter Eggs. I am still chewing my way through the mountain of chocolate we have at our house. The Easter Bunny was very kind this year. I did two Easter egg hunts - one indoors and one outside on Easter Sunday when it finally stopped snowing and we were able to go outside.

Its school holidays at the moment and Mummy has the week off work too so I am looking forward to hanging out the three of us.

I have been watching all the Star Wars movies. Uncle Lenny loaned me his DVDs so I could see what all the fuss is all about and I love the stories. I've seen all but one of them but my favourite Star Wars movie is Return of the Jedi and my favourite Star Wars character is Chewbacca the wookie. I think he is really funny and I love him.

I gave Aunty Claire a Skype show of my favourite songs last night. She heard me belt out One Direction's 'You Don't Know You're Beautiful' and John Lennon's 'The Ballad of John and Yoko'. I've promised her some Jake Bugg, Passenger and Jesus Christ Superstar next time.
Uncle Andre got a concert from me on Skype too, so I'd better keep practicing!

I love you, goodbye!
Love Charlotte xxx

Monday, March 18, 2013

I heart school

I've really been enjoying school recently. I've made some lovely friends and I may or may not have a couple of boyfriends on the go! Mummy told me that there is to be no kissing but I think it might be a little bit late for that . . . kissing on the cheek I mean :) I love learning and reading and loved dressing up as a Princess for World Book Day last week. I loved going to school as a princess. I have been winning awards at school. The big one was from the headmistress for being helpful, and I got one a couple of weeks back ago which was voted for by the people in my whole school. I got an award for being kind. I'm happy to take the awards - I love to be the centre of attention - but I'm just being me! I hope you have a lovely Easter. I love you, goodbye! Love, Charlotte xxx

On my travels part two: Spain

Mummy, Daddy and I needed some winter sun so we popped over to Spain in my February school holidays to see Paps and Maria.
I've not been there for aged so it was nice to run around the back garden and remember things from when I was smaller.
Paps and I went for walks in the woods with his dog Jackson. We had lots of long talks - he's a real chatterbox!
 He read me a story every night and looked after me when Daddy, Mummy and Maria went out for the evening to play bingo. Daddy won lots of euros!
We went to Mummy and Daddy's favourite Indian restaurant The Spice Hut. I liked the big crisps called pappadums. It was a lovely break :)

On my travels part one - Scotland

Hi everyone, I hope you're all well and that those of you in the Northern Hemisphere have not suffered so much this winter. Yep - I know what hemispheres are. I got a globe for Christmas. It seemed fitting when you consider how much I have travelled in the last (almost) seven years. Mummy, Daddy and I went away for a weekend last month, up to Scotland. Daddy had booked it as a wedding anniversary present for Mummy and I got to go too. We went to the capital of Scotland which is called Edinburgh. They have a castle there and lots of things to do with war and soldiers. I loved it. It turned out that Daddy had booked a hotel in a place called Musselburgh which is where my Great Nana Ann was from. I didn't even know that!! While we were in Scotland we went to this hidden town underneath the ground. We had to wear hard hats so we didn't bang our heads but it was super exciting and I really really loved it. It was a brilliant adventure.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

So that was 2012

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that Santa was good to you.
I got so much stuff . Thank you so much everyone.
Santa brought me the biggest Barbie house I have EVER seen and I even got a tablet to play games on.
It was just Mummy, Daddy and I and we had a lovely day. I hope you did too.
Anyway I hope you have a brilliant new year and that 2013 is good to you. It is the year I turn seven!
I love you, goodbye!
Char xxx