Thursday, November 07, 2013

A bit of a clever clogs . . .

While all the Summer fun was going on I had to do what every kid does at the end of the school year . . . get my school report.
I never know how these things are going to go. I love school. I love learning and I like playing with my friends. But you never really know how well you're doing. True, I did keep winning awards for being kind last term, but you never know. Thankfully, Mummy and Daddy were very happy with my report.
You can read a couple of excerpts here, but the upshot is that I'm good with computers (hello, I DO have my own tablet), I have a bubbly and infectious personality, I always do my homewaork, I always have a story to share and true to my Jesus Christ Superstar roots, I understand all different religions and like acting out the parables of Jesus!

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