Sunday, July 22, 2007

And she's off...

Hi all,
Big news from me - I'm finally walking. Truthfully, I've been able to do it for ages but just didn't feel the need, but on Friday - aged 13 months - I took my first unaded steps. Well, it was more of a stroll actually, which has frightened the byjesus out of my Mum and Dad!
I was at a playdate at my friend Sam's house and I wanted to see Mummy but she was in the other room so I just decided enough was enough and I walked :-)

I do seem to be terrorising my doggy Zeus though - now I am up and running I can chase him all over the place - it's on!
Apart from that, life is pretty normal. I was at work with my Daddy yesterday, and it's Mummy's birthday tomorrow so I'm hoping there will be cake. It's my lat week at baby group before the summer holidays too, so already it's shaping up to be a hectic week.
Hope all is well with you - I'll try and get Mummy to post some video of me walking in the next few days - it's real! I really can walk!
Talk soon,
Love Little Lottie xxx

Here's my first walking injury - still a little unsteady on my feet!

Monday, July 16, 2007

I've been teething and pooing...

Hello hello hello!
Latest news from Devon is that I'm not very well. I seem to have picked up a little bug on my travels (and lets face it, I've done enough of that in recent weeks!). I'm teething like mad and seem to be filling my nappies like there is no tomorrow, but I'm still laughing and chattering like a little monkey, but it is a but tough when you've got a mouth full of cut gums.

On a happier note, I had my health check last week which revealed I'm the right weight and height for my age, so I guess this means I won't be getting picked on at school.
I've been back to my toddler group this last couple of weeks, too. It was great to so many aunties, uncles and cousins here but it was great to hang out with people my own age again!

My American passport arrived this week too, so I guess that means I'm primed for a trip to Disneyland. Are there any takers??????

Hope all is well with you all. And thanks again for your kind birthday and christening gifts. Mummy and I did the thank you cards and they're in the post.

Talk soon,
Love Little Lottie xxx

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Donkey rides and fun parks... it must be Blackpool!

Hi all,
My sincerest apologies for lack of blogging in recent weeks. I've been whizzing around all over the place... my birthday was in the midst of the busiest three weeks I've known in quite some time.

Following on from my christening and birthday celebrations, we had a relatively calm couple of days at home with our houseguests. Aunty Claire and Mary-Ellen came to my swimming lesson, while Uncle Andre dragged us all onto the common in Torrington for an inpromptu photoshoot. Can't say I blame him... I'm very cute and it had FINALLY stopped raining!

We headed up to Blackpool the weekend before last. We'd hired a 7-seater vehicle and set off in the dead of night to beat the traffic. Some six hours later we arrived at Blackpool and I didn't really know what to make of it.
It looked like it used to be lots of fun, but there weren't many people about and I think we were all a bit tired.

Still, once the sun came out it was a whole other story and we all got into the seaside spirit. I even rode my first donkey!!!

I was introduced to fairground rides at Blackpool, too. At first, it was just the 50p sit-and-ride shows, but we all went to the Pleasure Beach and I have to say I am hooked on all the fast rides!
From Alice in Wonderland to the Cheroplanes, I went on as much as my height and pocketmoney would allow.

Blackpool was great fun. It's a long way from home, though, and the torrential rain on the Monday meant it took us so much longer to get home.
Aunty Claire and Mary-Ellen left us at that point, and with Uncle Andre off in France, it's just Mummy, Daddy and I. That said, we are currently in London trying to sort out my US passport.
I tell you, life never stops!

Hope all is well with you,
Much love Little Lottie xxx