Saturday, December 15, 2007

Off on my travels again ...

Hi everyone,
So sorry for being rubbish at updating this in recent weeks. We've been so very busy getting organised for Christmas and our various trips.
But here's the latest on me:
I've been up to London with Mummy to visit Aunty M. We had a great time - she's so much fun and always spoils me rotten!

I am really into climbing at the moment. I climb EVERYTHING!!! I've been up on the mantlepiece, on the clothes airer... i can even climb into my highchair and get myself settled!

Mummy and Daddy have been working lots and I have been hanging out with my friend Daia. She has a push-chair for her dollies and I keep trying to take it from her. Thankfully Mummy bought one for me and I love to squish myself into it to watch my favourite TV show 'In the Night Garden'.

I am trying to talk lots at the moment, and I LOVE to dance!

I'm sure you've all heard the saga of our proposed trip to America. Mummy and I are now not able to go thanks to visa restrictions. I am so disappointed - I was
sooooooo looking forward to meeting Aunty Michelle, Aunty Nicole, my cousin Maggie and of course seeing Grandpa Otto and Uncle Andre again.
Daddy is still going to see them (Mummy and I said he had to go) and we're going to spend Christmas with Paps and Uncle Lenny's family in Spain.
THEN ... when Daddy gets back the three of us are off to the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean for three weeks. We're so excited about it!
Daddy is going to do lots of windsurfing, Mummy is going to do horseback riding and I am looking forward to hanging out at the beach.
AND THEN ... we're heading back to Spain to house-sit for Paps while he goes to Ausralia to visit Aunty Claire.
Phew, it's all go for jetsetting me!

Anyway, here's some more pics to keep you up to date. I'll send more from my second Christmas soon!

Hope all is well with you,
Love Little Lottie xxx

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Looking so grown up...

Riding a horse is thirsty work...

Hi everyone,
So my Paps bought me a rocking horse. It lives in Spain with him and I love it. Such great fun! Here are some action shots of me on it.

Giddy Up horsey...

It's thirsty work being a jockey...

And a drink for horsey...

Sunday, November 04, 2007

And here's the latest from me...

Hi all,
Heading back from Spain later today to see my daddy after a week hanging out with Mummy and Paps.
I've had a great time - heaps of walking in the pine forest with the dogs and lots of climbing at the beach.
These pics are from my last trip here in late September.
I'll upload the new ones once I get home. There are some crackers!!
Anyway, off to prepare for Bonfire Night! I think Mum, Paps and I are off the market, too.
Much love and kisses,
Little Lottie xxx

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

This is my favourite TV show

Hi all,
Hope life is treating you well.
Things are good with me - I'm off back to Spain to see Paps on Sunday. I love the beach and his garden so I can't wait.
The above picture is of my favourite TV show In The Night Garden. I'm not quite sure what it is about but it is keeping me entertained and makes me get up and dance.
Uncle Lenny and Aunty Michelle bought me the dvd and so now mum and dad have a surefire way of keeping me quiet. Although...
... I did chuck a bit of a tantrum when one of the girls at my baby group had a doll from the show and I wanted it. I kept taking it off her and crying when daddy made me give it back. Although, I think he did promise to buy me one...

I am still running around lots and am into everything. Mummy now lets me get out of the pram when we talk Zeus for a walk, but becuase it is autumn I do get in a mess, especially when I sit down on the path.... in the mud!
Anyway, I'll get some new pics posted on here soon - it's a case of catch and snap me if you can at the moment!!!

Talk soon,
Love Little Lottie xxx

Friday, October 05, 2007

Here I am!

Here's some recent pics so you can see what I've been up to and how long my hair is getting!
I need hair clips but I won't keep them in.

Riding Nana's sheep

Cuddles with my Daddy

Loving my ice cream

Friday, September 28, 2007

I've been on my holidays...

Hi all,
Sorry for lack of post and pictures, but we've been over in Spain hanging out with Paps.
I think I frightened him quite a bit with all the running around I was doing, but he has such a big house and garden that it seemed the easiest way to get around.
I went to the beach lots and made heaps of friends, and even went to the camp next door to swim in the shallow end of their pool. Such fun.

I was a bit sick when I arrived in Spain - some kind of virus I think, but I was fine after a day. Unfortunately Mum, Dad and Paps got sick and were in bed for a couple of days. Shame I'm only 15 months old or I could have nursed them back to health!

I also caught up with Mary and Billy, who I met in Spain last year. They had been over visiting Paps and had done lots in Nana's garden, which they showed me when they walked me round.

I was up in Wales visiting Uncle Lenny again, too. He has another big house with lots of garden to run around in! AND!! My Daddy is going to build me a garden at our house in Devon so I can play outside.

Anyway, the most recent photos should be uploaded in the next few days so I'll be sure to add them here.
Until then take care and much love,
Little Lottie xxx

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Waving to you all from Devon...

Hi all,
Hope September is being good to you so far!
All is well with us - Mummy, Daddy and I went up to Wales to stay with Uncle Lenny and Aunty Michelle. They've just moved to a big house with lots and lots of grass, so I spent the entire time in the garden, walking around.
I also rather enjoyed patting the red roses in their garden. I've no idea why, but I loved patting and chatting to them!
My cousin James spent hours and hours playing with. He's a bit cute and could well be my first 'big boy' crush.

I also spent lots of times playing with the dogs Travis and Sophie. I loved walking arouns with their ball and frisbee... they seemed to follow me when I did this. I did try throwing the ball, but I am still only little and so could only manage to throw the ball backwards. They seemed to pick this trick up, though, so we were still able to play!

Mummy, Daddy and I are going away for a few days to the seaside this week. They want to do some surfing and I want to hang out on the sand. It'll be great fun.

I am still teething like mad, but I am a very happy little girl. Well, it's hard not to be!

Hope all is well with you.
Talk soon,
Love Little Lottie xxx

Monday, August 27, 2007

Busy being sociable...

Hi all,
Can't believe its almost the end of August. It has been such a hectic few weeks... and I have been having FUN!!!

Daddy has been taking care of me while Mummy has been at work - I think they fancied a change. I love them both but it is cool to hang out with Daddy. He calls me Pumpkin and has a made-up song for everything - even my toast.

I've been to a few playgroups and playdates this last couple of days, but the highlight was going to an adventure park right here in Devon.
I got to go on big slides and a steam train which I loved because I got to wave to all the people around the track (I think Mummy called them gnomes). I also had my first ever go on a bouncy castle... I wasn''t that keen at the standing up part but I loved to sit down and bounce. I laughed for ages at that.

There's lots going on with family visits too. We're going up to North Wales to see Uncle Lenny and Aunty Michelle for a few days this week. I am looking forward to see them and I hear they have a HUGE grassed backgarden for me to run around in. Woohoo.

We've also just booked our tickets to Sam Francisco for Christmas. We're going to see Uncles Paul, Doug, Andre, Aunties Michelle and Nicole, cousin Maggie and of course Grandpa Otto. I can't wait but I think Mummy and Daddy are a little concerned at the thought of 14 hours on a plane with me, without a seat. That's a lot of Charlini!!

After the US we're heading straight to Spain to see Paps before he jets off to Australia to see Aunty Claire. See, we really are the jetset family!

Talk soon,
Love Little Lottie xxx

Friday, August 10, 2007

'Hey, I've put my new shoes on...'

Hi all,
Big news - I have my first pair of 'proper shoes'. Obviously I've had heaps of pre-walker shoes, and my new Nikes from Paps, but now that I am upright all the time, Mummy and Daddy decided it was time to go to Clarks and have my feet measured.
I am 4.5 F - it was great fun having my feet measured and the shoes were all very pretty, but I think the ones we chose for me are the best. Aren't they beautiful! They're very comfortable, although I'm an expert at getting them off because of the velcro. Maybe we should have got buckle-ups after all...

I've been going to a special baby group every Monday, which is all about exploring. Last week it was Messy Play, based on science (ice, jelly, water, dry, powders) so I spent my time in a paddling pool filled with cooked green spaghetti. I also dipped my feet in paint and walked all over the the floor (it was covered in paper) and it was jusrt great. Hands down, I was the messiest by far. Daddy had to come over with a whole new set of clothes for me before Mummy would put me in the car.

This week it wasn't quite so messy - I was playing in a big pile of cornflour. There are lots of bigger children there - some of them are five, and I like hanging out with them. We all sit at a table together and have a snack. Some of them lef their raisins, so once they'd been excused I ate the lot. Well, waste not, want not!

I have four new teeth almost through, but it has been very very sore this time. So much so that when Daddy was in the kitchen the other day I managed to get the phone and call the emergency services.
I only wanted to tell them that my mouth hurt and ask for their advice, but I couldn't get any words out so just did lots of breathing.
Daddy didn't know about it until they called us back to make sure we were ok and didn't need the police, fire or ambulance. I think they told him off for wasting their time, too. Woooops.
Sorry Daddy.

Anyway, that's the news from me this week.
Hope you're all well.
Talk soon,
Love Little Lottie xxx

Sunday, July 22, 2007

And she's off...

Hi all,
Big news from me - I'm finally walking. Truthfully, I've been able to do it for ages but just didn't feel the need, but on Friday - aged 13 months - I took my first unaded steps. Well, it was more of a stroll actually, which has frightened the byjesus out of my Mum and Dad!
I was at a playdate at my friend Sam's house and I wanted to see Mummy but she was in the other room so I just decided enough was enough and I walked :-)

I do seem to be terrorising my doggy Zeus though - now I am up and running I can chase him all over the place - it's on!
Apart from that, life is pretty normal. I was at work with my Daddy yesterday, and it's Mummy's birthday tomorrow so I'm hoping there will be cake. It's my lat week at baby group before the summer holidays too, so already it's shaping up to be a hectic week.
Hope all is well with you - I'll try and get Mummy to post some video of me walking in the next few days - it's real! I really can walk!
Talk soon,
Love Little Lottie xxx

Here's my first walking injury - still a little unsteady on my feet!

Monday, July 16, 2007

I've been teething and pooing...

Hello hello hello!
Latest news from Devon is that I'm not very well. I seem to have picked up a little bug on my travels (and lets face it, I've done enough of that in recent weeks!). I'm teething like mad and seem to be filling my nappies like there is no tomorrow, but I'm still laughing and chattering like a little monkey, but it is a but tough when you've got a mouth full of cut gums.

On a happier note, I had my health check last week which revealed I'm the right weight and height for my age, so I guess this means I won't be getting picked on at school.
I've been back to my toddler group this last couple of weeks, too. It was great to so many aunties, uncles and cousins here but it was great to hang out with people my own age again!

My American passport arrived this week too, so I guess that means I'm primed for a trip to Disneyland. Are there any takers??????

Hope all is well with you all. And thanks again for your kind birthday and christening gifts. Mummy and I did the thank you cards and they're in the post.

Talk soon,
Love Little Lottie xxx

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Donkey rides and fun parks... it must be Blackpool!

Hi all,
My sincerest apologies for lack of blogging in recent weeks. I've been whizzing around all over the place... my birthday was in the midst of the busiest three weeks I've known in quite some time.

Following on from my christening and birthday celebrations, we had a relatively calm couple of days at home with our houseguests. Aunty Claire and Mary-Ellen came to my swimming lesson, while Uncle Andre dragged us all onto the common in Torrington for an inpromptu photoshoot. Can't say I blame him... I'm very cute and it had FINALLY stopped raining!

We headed up to Blackpool the weekend before last. We'd hired a 7-seater vehicle and set off in the dead of night to beat the traffic. Some six hours later we arrived at Blackpool and I didn't really know what to make of it.
It looked like it used to be lots of fun, but there weren't many people about and I think we were all a bit tired.

Still, once the sun came out it was a whole other story and we all got into the seaside spirit. I even rode my first donkey!!!

I was introduced to fairground rides at Blackpool, too. At first, it was just the 50p sit-and-ride shows, but we all went to the Pleasure Beach and I have to say I am hooked on all the fast rides!
From Alice in Wonderland to the Cheroplanes, I went on as much as my height and pocketmoney would allow.

Blackpool was great fun. It's a long way from home, though, and the torrential rain on the Monday meant it took us so much longer to get home.
Aunty Claire and Mary-Ellen left us at that point, and with Uncle Andre off in France, it's just Mummy, Daddy and I. That said, we are currently in London trying to sort out my US passport.
I tell you, life never stops!

Hope all is well with you,
Much love Little Lottie xxx

Thursday, June 21, 2007

'Happy Birthday to me...'

The Charlotte celebrations...

Hi again!
I've had the most exhausting two days of my short life, but it's been great!
It was first birthday yesterday - I was thoroughly spoiled with lots of great pressies. Better than anything, my Uncle Andre, Uncle Len, Aunty Michelle and cousin Mary Ellen came to see me from all over the place. I felt thoroughly spoiled, and had a lovely day.
I was still pretty tired from my late flight and had a little bit of jet-lag, but hey, I am just one!
Today - June 20th - was my big day. I had my baptism and birthday party today, and it was great fun.
I wore a beautiful dress for my christening (thanks Aunt Jean), as you can see ...

The baptism was lovely - the church was pretty and my Aunty Margaret and Uncle Pete came down from Manchester to cheer me on. I was pleased that the water at the baptism font wasn't too cold.

After the christening, we headed back to my house for some snacks and lunch ahead of my party. My friends from baby group came over, and they hung out with me and my family (there were lots of people in my small house, but we had a great time).
We all got a bit tired around 4pm, so my friends went home, my family cleaned up the house and I had a nap.
But not before I had my birthday cake and enjoyed my first ever chorus of Happy Birthday to you.
What a BRILLIANT day. I can't wait until I am two...

Thanks to everyone near and far for their cards, pressies and good wishes. I'll be getting my personal assistants to send out the thank you cards shortly!
Talk soon,
Love Little Lottie xxx

From holidays to birthdays...

Hi all,
My sincere apologies for the lack of email updates... I've been inundated with visitors, and I've been on hols too!
My Aunty Claire arrived from Australia almost two weeks ago. It was great to meet her again, and I wowed her by filling my nappy for her to sort out. I am SO considerate.
A couple of days after her arrival, she, Mummy and I went to Spain to visit my Paps, as I hadn't seen him for a while.

It was lovely and warm - I was in his pool loads and at the beach. I loved the sea, although I did have a little a toilet emergency in the waves... :-)
I ate out lots while I was in Spain. I went to the vegetarian restaurant The Spice Hut... TWICE! We also went to The Wok, the local Chinese eatery for Aunty Claire's birthday. I took her to the beach and swam with her for her birthday and we had a lovely time.

I missed my Daddy, but I knew he was ok as his twin brother - and my uncle - Andre was over for Hong Kong. Sounds like they had lots of fun hanging out.
We left Paps on Monday and arrived back in chilly North Devon just an hour before my first birthday, but I was wiped out after the late flight back so didn't really stir. It was nice to be home with my Daddy and my doggy, but I miss my Paps.
Talk soon,
Love Little Lottie xxx

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

This time tomorrow... I'll be one!

Hi all,
apologies for the lack of postings, but I've been on holiday with Mummy and Aunty Claire. It's the middle of the night in Devon now, but I will write more tomorrow... when I am ONE!!!
Talk soon,
Little Lottie xxx

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Ready to pounce...

They keep me locked up, you know...

Hi all!
Do you like my cage? Paps sent it over for me because I was getting into everything and up to mischief. This way, Mummy and Daddy can keep me in one place, and generally away from the stairs which is officially my favourite thing to climb at the moment!

Life is good - I am still swimming atleast once a week and love the water. So much so that Mummy and Daddy take me to the local pool on the days I don't have proper lessons. I can't wait to get into the pool at my Paps' house. I'm hoping he'll swim with me. I'm going to see him next Sunday with Mummy and Aunty Claire, who will be here from Australia by then.

Another of my favourite things to do is to hide the car keys! I just love keys, but I think it's annoying for Daddy when he wants to go someehere but can't!

I now have all four of my front teeth through - two and the top, and two at the bottom. Hopefully they'll be fully through in time for my christening photos - I want my smile to look as beautiful as possible!

I've been going to the common lots to play on my trike, and spent yesterday at work with Daddy at the beach. Mummy burned herself but thankfully I was in the shade for the most part, so just have a healthy glow. Looking good!

Anyway, time for bed for me. Only 19 more sleeps until I am one! Can't wait to be a big girl...

Talk soon,
Love Little Lottie xxx

'Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go...'

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Water baby...

Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in...

Hi all,
Thought I would show you my lovely new waistcoat that Aunty Jessie brought me from India. It's so snug and warm, and I've not seen anyone else wearing one... especially not looking as cute as me!
I love my tricycle. It has a big pole at the back so Mummy and Daddy can push me and make sure I don't jump onto the road. I've got this tune in my head all the time at the moment... I think it's Born to be Wild or something, but I think it suits my cycling escapades.

I did my first painting this week. Well, if you don't count the foot-painting debacle when I was five weeks old! I used yellow paint, some sponges and my hands, but the paint itself didn't taste very nice. I thought it would take like yogurt, it was a similar colour, but apparently not!

I am still chattering away... I seem to be great with the d and g sounds. I say Doggy and Daddy all the time... I'm working on the rest of the words! Well, I am just 11 months old.

Anyway, I'd better get back to it. I'll get some more pics on here asap.

Talk soon, love Little Lottie xxx

Saturday, May 12, 2007

How much is that doggy in the window...

Hello everyone,
Just to let you know that I have officially learned my first work - it's doggy. I even understand what it means, and when I say it go over to my doggy Zeus and pull his leg.
I have a new night-time routine now, too. I won't go to bed unless I am allowed to climb the stairs all by myself. I'm really fast at it, and am pretty fearless! It's great.
I am a bit of a terror on two legs at the moment, so Paps has sent me a cage to play in. It's not as it sounds... it's just a way to keep me contained and safe so Mummy and Daddy can do important things like go to the toilet and into the kitchen without worrying about me hitching a ride to London!
Hope all is well with you!
Talk soon, love Little Lottie xxx

Thursday, May 10, 2007

I looooooooooooooooove cake!

I had my first piece of chocolate cake this weeek. It was fantastic, but a little messy, as you can see...

I know I need to work on my eating ettiquete, but I hear I'll be having more cake... especially with my birthday around the corner!

Talk soon,
Love Little Lottie xxx

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Ho-ho-ho what a monkey I am...

Hi all,
I've had a GREAT week!!! So busy, and I am feeling much better. Might be something to do with the fact that Mummy and Daddy went out last weekend and bought me swing for the garden, a rocking dog (apparently it's like a rocking horse, but a blue dog), a tricycle and a toy that I push around to help me get balance.

I love my swing... I can make it swing by flapping my feet about and I could spend hours in it if I was only tall enough to get in by myself.
The rocking dog is a different story - I can get on and off by myself, though it did take some practice. Mummy caught me trying to get on it by myself and I was slumped across it, stuck on my tummy!!!
And as for my push toy, I struggled with that a bit as the wheels went faster than my legs would carry me, but I seem to have mastered it and when Mum came home from work on Fri night I pushed it across the room with one hand, walking, and waving at her with my other hand. I'm getting co-ordinated!!!

One of my favourite things to do is to lie under the clothes horse and pull all the clean but damp washing off onto the floor. I think it drives Mummy crackers. I've also taken to climbing onto things and launching myself off them.

I do like looking at myself in the mirror, and although I won't give anyone a kiss, I like to kiss what I believe is my own reflection!

With a bit of determination and lots of encouragement, I climbed our stairs this week, too! All 12 of them! Daddy was behind me all the way and Mummy was at the top, but I managed it! I conquered my very own Everest.

It was week two of my swimming lessons this week. I love is so much!!! I think I embarrassed Mummy though... the instructor was talking to all the parents about what they could expect in the lesson. All the other Mums were in the water but looked like they wanted to stay as dry as possible. Certainly, they weren't keen on getting their hair wet. Where's the fun in that??
So, I splashed and kicked and chatted until everyone was soaking!!!
I really am a water baby!

Big news from me - my christening is booked for June 20th. Uncle Andre from Hong Kong, Second Cousin Mary Ellen from Sicily and Aunty Claire from Australia are all coming over. It will be a league of nations! Then we're all off to Blackpool. Lots and lots going on!!!

I'll keep you posted!
Love Little Lottie