Saturday, September 08, 2007

Waving to you all from Devon...

Hi all,
Hope September is being good to you so far!
All is well with us - Mummy, Daddy and I went up to Wales to stay with Uncle Lenny and Aunty Michelle. They've just moved to a big house with lots and lots of grass, so I spent the entire time in the garden, walking around.
I also rather enjoyed patting the red roses in their garden. I've no idea why, but I loved patting and chatting to them!
My cousin James spent hours and hours playing with. He's a bit cute and could well be my first 'big boy' crush.

I also spent lots of times playing with the dogs Travis and Sophie. I loved walking arouns with their ball and frisbee... they seemed to follow me when I did this. I did try throwing the ball, but I am still only little and so could only manage to throw the ball backwards. They seemed to pick this trick up, though, so we were still able to play!

Mummy, Daddy and I are going away for a few days to the seaside this week. They want to do some surfing and I want to hang out on the sand. It'll be great fun.

I am still teething like mad, but I am a very happy little girl. Well, it's hard not to be!

Hope all is well with you.
Talk soon,
Love Little Lottie xxx

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