Sunday, May 25, 2008

Stylish toddler ...

Lovely summer days out ...

Hello everyone!
Hope life is treating you well.
I've been having lots of fun in the last few weeks. The main news is that Daddy came home. I am so pleased to have him and mummy back together - I missed being able to swing between their arms!
I've been hanging out with him lots - he took me to my swimming class this week and to my singing baby group. I love my Daddy.

Mummy and I went to a butterfly farm a couple of weeks ago, which was great. I love butterflies and had an absolute ball. We also visited an Otter sanctuary which was great - i kept shouting hello to them when they came out of the water.

This week Mummy, Daddy and I went to Big Sheep, a theme park here in North Devon. It's very farm-oriented and I saw such big sheep. I also had my first proper horse ride.

It was such a fun day out and we had a ball.

Life in general is pretty good. Lots of birthday parties and walks with the dog. I'm chattering away more and more these days and am about to start sleeping in a big girl's bed. We got it a few weeks ago and it is set up in my room - i like to have my stories on it after my bath. And I like holding onto the headboard and jumping on it. Haha!
I think Mummy and Daddy are going to put me in it tonight. It has a special side so I can't fall out.

Anyway, I'm off to another birthday party so will sign off for now.
Talk soon,
Love Little Lottie xxx