Sunday, December 31, 2006

Chitter, chatter...

Hi everyone,
Hope you're enjoying the festive season - I am!
Well I guess the biggest news here is that I have said my first word... it was Mama and unfortunately I said it when I woke up this morning, my Daddy's birthday. Whoops!!!
He didn't seem to mind, though - I gave him a couple of full nappies.
Mummy has been telling people that I've developed this fake cough. She's right, but its such fun to cough and watch her, Daddy and Paps look to me immediately to make sure I'm OK. I've not been able to keep a straight face since I started playing this game with them.
I've also started doing a little girly scream, though I think they've all got bored of it since I did it all through lunch at a local restaurant.
What can I tell you - I'm a vocal girl!!!
Anyway, Paps is babysitting me tonight when Mummy takes Daddy out for his birthday. They're going for Mexican, not that it will make much difference to me... I am weaning myself off the boob! Formula is LOVELY and I like taking a bottle these days.
I'm growing up fast...

Not sure what the plans are for NYE, but I know I will be wearing a tartan dress as a salute to my Scottish Grandparents. It's a tradition my Nana used to uphold, and make Mummy, Aunty Claire and Uncle Len follow, so I'm carrying it on. Great Aunt Margaret in Canada sent me a tartan outfit for Christmas, so I'll give that a whirl.

Anyway, I hope you have fantastic New Year celebrations, and I hope 2007 is good to each and every one of you.

Much love and talk soon,
Little Lottie xxx

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Feliz Navidad...

Hi all,
Hope you had a fantastic Chritmas.
I had a lovely time - it was nice and sunny in Spain so I was able to eat my Christmas lunch outside. Very nice.

I spent most of the day in my Santa suit. I'm still not sure about it, but Mummy, Daddy and Paps all thought I looked very cute in it - complete with black santa boots.
I was, as you would expect, totally spoiled with gifts this year. I got far too many things to mention - thanks to all of you - but I think my favourite is my new dolly called Emily. I really love her.

The big relief on Christmas Day was that my Daddy was able to join us at all. There had been such bad fog in the UK in the days leading up to Christmas, and most flights had been cancelled. I was really worried he wouldn't have made it, but am thrilled to say he did. I think Paps is enjoying the male company - Mummy and I can be a bit girly some times.

We had a vegetarian Indian banquet for Christmas dinner. It was very yummy indeed.

So that's me really - we're going to be in Spain for the next five weeks, when my Paps should be out of his plaster.
He's bombing around in his wheelchair now, and seems to be able to do most things without too much drama (apart from take a bath...)

Talk soon and Feliz Navidad,
Little Lottie xxx

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Mercy dash to see my Paps...

Seasons greetings!
I'm in Spain!!! Mummy, Daddy and I weren't supposed to be getting here until Christmas Eve, but my Paps had a fall last week and broke his leg so Mummy and I came over straight away and are looking after him.

He is in a wheelchair, but is as fast as I am in my stroller.

I have been sitting with him and chatting to him quite a bit, as well as bouncing on his good leg.
We all went to see Nana at the cemetery yesterday, which I am sure she would have got a good laugh at. There was Paps in his wheelchair, going down a little but very steep ramp in the cemetery, with me on his lap (mummy couldn't push a wheelchair and a stroller) and Mummy not really able to slow us down. It was great fun. I think we'll be doing wheelies next.

Daddy is coming on Sunday, and I am looking forward to seeing him and letting him look after me a bit more so Mummy can look after my Paps.

I'm getting bigger and braver by the day, but with this courage comes danger, so I'm told. I crawled off the bed the other day and gave Mummy the fright of my life. I banged my head too, but it is ok. Not a mark actually! I think I heard Mummy talking about a straight jacket... I'm hoping that was only a fleeting thought.

As you can see from my picture this week, I have mastered the art of drinking ouf of a cup. I was a little unco-ordinated before and kept tipping it over myself, but I have mastered the art now I am in Spain. I need to drink all these fluids because of the lovely weather here.

Anyway, I will write more at Christmas, but until then, talk soon and Merry Christmas!

Much love, Little Lottie xxx

Monday, December 11, 2006

Fourteen more sleeps until santa comes...

Hi all,
Hope you're all well and set for Christmas.
I am looking forward to it - presents have already been pouring in for me. Thanks so much. Does this happen every year?

What to tell you about the last few weeks... I am now over a stone in weight. Apparently I'm slighty under weight, but I find that hard to believe since I have tasted Chocolate for the first time and can't get enough (relax - I'm not eating by the truckload... it's from my advent calendar and I get to suck a TINY piece).
I am still loving my solid food - parsnips are YUMMY! I am also using a big girl's sippy cup with handles on either side. I've not quite mastered the art yet, though. Sometimes I can get nothing out and other times I tip it all over me!!! D'oh!

I am also now too big for my bouncy chair so have graduated to a high chair. It's great being so tall - I can see heaps more stuff.

Uncle Lenny and Aunty Michelle came to see me this weekend. Uncle Lenny is funny - I think he needs his ears testing. There was I, chatting away to everyone, and making new sounds. My current one is ha-ba. Well, Uncle Lenny was convinced I was saying handbag (I WASN'T). I don't even know what a handbag is.

I've also started laughing but I've heard Mummy and Daddy say it is a fake laugh. There is nothing fake about me - I am just copying the sounds I hear around me.

I really like chewing the leg of the coffee table. I think it's the combination of varnish and dust, but I can't get enough. So, you can imagine my frustration in that it takes me about 20 minutes to manouvere myself from the rug to the table, and Mummy about two seconds to swoop down and put me back where I started. I guess I'm not supposed to be using the table as a teething ring...

Anyway, I think that's all my news for now. I'll keep you up to date as Christmas approaches. I am really very excited about it!!!

Talk soon, love Little Lottie xxx

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

See me in action...

Hi all,
We've FINALLY manged to overcome some technical difficulties, so allow me to present some video footage of myself taken since June 2006...

My first bottle

Daddy and I have a dance

Mummy and I making thank you cards

If you're happy and you know it, kick your legs

My first smile

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Life is a playground...

Hello everyone,
I can't believe it's almost Christmas. Aunty Claire has sent me a Mr Men Advent calendar, not that I can eat the chocolate yet. I would like to.
I'm LOVING real food at the moment. Mummy gave me pureed sweet potato and I'm not kidding, I just couldn't get enough. Same with the pureed apples and pears, though they've been a bit tricky for my relatively new constitution to process.

I've got two favourite toys - the giraffe in the picture above, and a scrunchy colourful butterfly. All the toys I have keep me entertained, but they're my particular faves at the mo. I'm sure I'll switch preference when Santa Claus has paid me a visit.

Auny M came down to visit this weekend - it was so nice to see her again and to her show her what I can do.

I've decided I'm an ABBA fan. Mummy was in the kitchen the other day and Waterloo came on and i couldn't help but try to pull myself up on the couch and bounce up and down in time to the music. They sound fantastic!! I think these Bump and Rhyme classes are beginning to pay off.

I'm going to bed earlier and earlier these days, too. I'm generally sound asleep by 8pm, once Mummy has read me a little bit from Charlotte's Web.

Looking forward to going to Spain again - only four more weeks to go!!!

Talk soon, love Little Lottie xxx

Monday, November 20, 2006

I'm a big girl now...

Hi all,
Mummy and I are back from Spain now. We had a lovely time - so nice to be away from the rain of Devon in November.
The morning I was leaving, I discovered how to make a couple of new sounds. I seem able to blow a raspberry and then follow it with a lip-smacking sound. I was doing it to Paps, and he was doing it back it me for ages. It keeps me occupied in the mornings when I wake up, too.
Not sure if I mentioned it, but I'm in my own room now and loving it. Daddy gets up really early for work, so this way I am not disturbed. I love it!

I went to parent group on Friday and the two teachers were in fancy dress foe the Children in Need charity. I was cared for by a bear and a fariy! I lovd it. Mummy went off to make a book for me with the other mummies and I stayed with the bear and the fairy and all the other children. It was great fun.

I had my last set of injections last week, too. I was big girl and didn't cry and so thats me done until I am one. Hurrah!

I'm on some solid food now - lots of baby rice and I had pureed apple on Saturday, which was a taste sensation. I really enjoyed it. Mummy gave me a sniff of a chocolate wafer - it was heavenly!

Anyway, that's all for now.
Talk soon, love Little Lottie xxx

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

A little bit of winter sun...

Hi all,
Mummy and I are in Spain this week with Paps. It was great to see him and he has been looking after me quite a bit so mummy can do important things like take a bath and wash her hair.
Paps says that I am talking much more now than when I was last here!

I've been so tired with the heat - I've been going to bed at 8.30pm and not waking Mummy until 6am and even then I've been feeding and going back to sleep. I don't know, it just seems the older you get the more tired you become.

Mummy, Paps and I went to a vegetarian restaurant in Torrevijea a few days back - it was delicious! And of course we've been up to visit Nana at the cemetery lots too - I want to show her all the things I can do, and all the pretty clothes I have that I know she would love.

We're going back to the UK on Wednesday night, so I'll write more when I'm home. We'll be on the Christmas countdown then!I've no idea what Christmas is, but it sounds FUN!

Talk soon,
Love Little Lottie xxx

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

On my feet... and rolling

Hi all,
I've DONE IT!!!! I've managed to roll over by myself. Completely over. It has been so frustrating but I managed to do it yesterday afternoon when Mummy was on the computer. Hurrah!
What else to tell you... I forgot that the clocks went back for Winter so I had Mummy and Daddy up, although I think they might have forgotten too.
No baby classes until Friday this week due to training (the teachers, not the babies), so Mummy and I are going to take Zeus out for lots of walks. I have a new, pink duffle coat for outside, and a snug sleeping bag for when I am in bed, so I am toasty warm.
Off to Spain next week - I can't wait for a little bit of sun.
Talk soon,
Love Little Lottie xxx

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Questionable head-gear

Hi all,
Just a quick one to bring you up to speed with life with us.
All well - Mummy and I are still whizzing about like mad and Daddy is still working really hard.
I've discovered two things in the last week or so - my toes and my voice. I love to lie on my back, scrunch my legs up to my chest, grab my toes and try to shove them in what I believe is called my mouth. Mum says I should enjoy it while I can because when I am older my feet will be much further away from my mouth.
I know I was talking the moment I was born, but I've just realised that I can make other noises besides crying. My favourite noise to make is "Arghggggggarggghhhh". It keeps me amused all day, though I think Mum was a little worried that I was in pain.

I managed to turn myself over completely the other day when Mummy was in the kitchen. But I did cheat - I used the leg of the coffee table to push my feet against. Mummy has moved it now and I am very frustrated that I can't do it again! I can move around a bit on my tummy - i like to scrunch my knees up under me, and push off against the floor, a bit like a commando crawl. Great fun.

I am teething a little bit at the moment, too, which I guess is normal as I am almost 4.5 months! How time flies.

Now, about that picture above this. I have two sets of ears. Please don't take this as a complaint as you've all been bvery kind and generous to me, but what is the deal with dressing babies up like animals? I have the same hat but as a bear (the one above is supposed to be Koala ears), and I've spied some kind of all-in-one furry bear contraption in my wardrobe for the not-too-distant future. Also, Christmas is just around the corner, so I feel sure I'm going to be dressed as a Christmas Pudding or as Santa. Don't get me wrong - they're all cute ideas, but when I'm 25 and trying to get a boy to marry me, he's going to get the wrong impression...

Anyway, thats me for now. Will be in touch soon and hopefully have some pics with me and my Paps in Spain.

Talk soon, love Little Lottie xxx

Sunday, October 22, 2006

It's good to talk...

Hi all,
Another hectic week for me with my baby groups and play afternoons. Mummy and I are really enjoying ourselves getting out and about.
I was even at the gym with Mummy and Daddy the other day. The weights looked a bit too much for me though...
I had another set of injections this week and I have to confess that I did squeal a bit but I'm an old hand at getting pricked in the leg now. I think I heard the nurse tell Mummy I have to have more next month, but hopefully that should be me for a while after that.
Do you like this week's cool picture? Its of me talking to my Uncle Andre in Hong Kong. But to be fair, I spend lots of time talking on the phone. Everyone is so very far away...
Anyway, I'm off! Time for some sleep after all this playing.
Talk soon, love Little Lottie xxx

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I'm famous...

Hi all,
Aunty Claire has used my photograph on her news website in Australia to illustrate a baby story. She says the baby in the pictures she had taken was really wrinkly and ugly, so she used me instead!
I wonder if I'll get paid...
Talk soon, love Little Lottie xxx

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Social butterfly...

Hi guys,
Mummy and I have been going to all kinds of baby classes this week - I've never been so busy.
We went to Mums and Toddlers group last Monday and it really was an eye-opener. All these other Mums brought other babies and we all sat in the middle of the floor while the Mums watched us play. I couldn't believe what I was seeing - I genuinely thought I was the only baby in Devon. It certainly seems like I'm the only baby girl - all the other babies were boys. A big boy - I think he was six months - tried to hold my hand!! How sweet.
We went to Baby Beat yesteday - it was lots of Mums singing to babies and again, I was the only girl in the group. I looked great in my Princess outfit and posh wrap-around-cardigan. Pretty in pink indeed.
I did come to blows with one of the other little boys there - Sam, I think his name was. He and I both reached for some crinkly paper at the same time, and then both put it in our mouths... it was a real battle of wills.
I think we've got a Bump and Rhyme class next week, and some swimming lessons. Its no wonder I'm so tired!!!
Daddy and I have a routine now in the evenings - we have bath and story time. I think I mentioned in one of my earlier posts that I really do love books.
So, I'm a happy little girl at the moment ... and a busy one!
And finally, Mummy and I are going to see Paps in Spain again in a few weeks. I can't wait to see him again and show all the new things I can do. And I love his cuddles.

Talk soon, love Little Lottie xxx

Monday, October 09, 2006

The generation game...

Just a quick post to let you see some of my treasured snaps of me with Grandpa Otto. He's back in America now, but I miss him lots. That's him, Daddy and I - three generations of the Eichman family!
All is well in Devon - I am trying to sit up and am nearly managing it now. I can pull myself up into the sitting position if I use Mummy's fingers. I should be driving cars in no time...
Mummy has been reading me the A to Z by Dr Seuss - I like him very much. So funny. I think I am going to love books - Mummy and Daddy loved to read before I arrived.
I'd better get going.
Talk soon,
Love Little Lottie xxx

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Tall girl...

Hi all,
Just a quick one to bring you up to date with my news.
I had a great time with my Grandpa Otto. We went out and about all over Devon and Cornwall and he kept trying to make me giggle. I nearly did, too.
Mummy and I drove him to London, and popped in to see Aunty M and Uncle Dom again. I really like them, and I love going to London.
Daddy bought himself a car, so Mummy has her Volvo, Sahara, and Daddy has his Vectra called Beaujolais. They're both comfortable for me :-)
The Health Visitor came to see me this week, to make sure I'm growing properly. I am 13lbs and 6oz, and a 65cms long which is taller/longer than average! I've grown 12cms in length since I was born. I'll going to be giving Kate Moss a run for her money on the catwalk if I keep growing at this rate!
Mummy, Daddy and I went to Plymouth this week, to work. More pocket money for me, as I smiled and cooed and made people buy stuff.
I'm moving into my own bedroom in the next week or so. Daddy has been decorating it for me - it's lilac and violet, which were my Great Nana's favourite colours.
I've also started taking a bottle every day. Aunty Claire gave me first one in Spain and I really wasn't that keen, but Daddy seems much better at it, and I like that it gives us Daddy and Charlotte time. He's babysitting for me on Thursday night when Mummy goes out - can't wait!
Anyway, better go - I'll get some pics of Granpa Otto and I up as soon as possible.
Talk soon, love Little Lottie xxx

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Long time, no chat...

Hi all,
So sorry for my lack of communication in recent weeks. I've been so incredibly busy.
Mummy and I left Spain on Sept 13th after two weeks with Paps and Aunty Claire. It was lovely to spend time with them, and Paps introduced me to Shrek and Only Fools and Horses.
I wasn't that happy on the plane home, and screamed for most of the way. Not sure if Mum was too impressed, but the lady behind us looked after me for a while and I calmed right down. I was just anxious to see my Daddy - it had been two weeks!
I have a fantastic new toy - a foot piano. It sits at the bottom of my cot and I can belt out all the latest tunes. It is FAB!
I was in London with Mum and Dad last week to pick up Grandpa Otto, who had flown in from Florida to meet me. I was very excited to see him, especially as I can do more stuff now. I can almost roll myself over completely!
I'll write more once Grandpa Otto's visit is over, and will hopefully have some pics of us together to publish.
The above picture is me in the GAP gear Aunty Bo and Aunty Claire bought me when I was two weeks old... it FINALLY fits!
Talk soon,
Love Little Lottie xxx

Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Great Charlini Houdini...

Hi guys,
What to tell you about this week...
I am in Spain - I leave next week after two weeks with Paps. We´ve had fun. Mummy, Aunty Claire and my Italian Great Aunt Margaret took me to the beach this week (I was under a sun brolly, relax...) and I have been out and about all over the place.
I gave Mummy a scare the other day when I was very grumpy - she thought I may have been teething and then I got a rash that she was very worried about but I was OK. Just a bit hot and bothered, really.
Aunty Claire has given me a new nickname - Charlini Houdini. I am spending lots of time in my pushchair at the moment and am always trying to slip out of the straps or undo them. Its great fun.
I went to the Chinese Wok Buffet again this week and Mummy put me in this very girly dress. It is lovely, but I don´t look that impressed...

We´re off for an Italian tomorrow night so I´ll say Ciao for now and let you know how it goes.
Talk soon, love Little Lottie xxx

Beautiful girl...

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Off on my hols...

Hi guys,
Well I´m on my travels again. Mummy and I are heading back to Spain this afternoon to see Paps and Aunty Claire. I´m going to meet my Great Aunt Margaret from Sicily, too!
What´s been happening this week... well I guess the big news is that we have a new car. The old one was great - I got to ride in the front seat all the time - but the electric window was stuck down and the car smelled of petrol! Our new car is LOVELY! It´s a Volvo and we´ve called it Sahara. It even has heated seats.
Aunty M came down from London over the weekend to keep Mummy company as Daddy was working away. The weather wasn´t that brilliant though, so he came back a few hours earlier. Well, actually thats not true... he got a bit lost on the way home, but he found us in the end.
Not sure what we´ll be doing in Spain for the next couple of weeks, but you can bet I´ll be giving my Osh Kosh bathers (I got three - how lucky am I?) lots of use.

Talk soon, love Little Lottie xxx

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Hola from sunny Spain...

Hello all,
Just a quick note from Spain, to let you know that I survived the plane journey and the heat!
I have been here for five days now - we leave tomorrow. We were supposed to leave today and we were almost on the plane when Mummy remembered she had left the keys to our car (which is at the airport in Bristol) in my baby bag... in the back of Paps´car. So he had to pick us up and we´ll try again tomorrow.
It was ok though - it meant Mummy and I could go to the cemetery to visit Nana. It is only open three days a week.
I went to my first ever restaurant on Monday night - the Wok Buffet Chinese restaurant in Guardamar. AND I had my first holiday romance with a little boy at the table next to us. He looked a little younger than me, but I had my sparkly dress and matching pants on, so Aunty Claire took me over to blow him a kiss. He seemed a little immature and a bit of a Mummy´s Boy, but as holiday romances go, it wasn´t a bad one.

Do you like my new dressing gown and bikini? Uncle Gerry from Toronto brought presents for me from all kinds of people I haven´t met yet. I´m going to need another wardrobe soon...
Mummy and I are coming back to Spain next week, so I´ll talk to you then.

Lots of love, Little Lottie xxx

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Viva visa...

Me in an outfit Nana Sandra sent me

Hi all,
What a week its been! Mummy, Daddy and I went to London on Monday to get Daddy´s visa sorted out but we got stuck in horrendous traffic on the M25 just outside London. We missed the appointment and it took us four hours to reach the next motorway junction. Grrrrrrrrr. So we spent the whole day in the car for nothing.

Thankfully, they were able to see us on Wednesday so we all piled back into the car and went back to London. Third time lucky! Hurrah - Daddy has a visa and can stay with Mummy and me in the UK forever if he wants. Another long day for us all, but I was very well behaved.

Today has been more travel - we went to South Wales to get my passport. We needed to get it done immediately as we´re all flying to Spain on an aeroplane later tonight. My Nana Sandra died on Thursday, so I am going to give Grandpa Len lots of cuddles and smiles to try and make him feel better.

I´ll write more once I´ve been on a plane!

Lots of love, Little Lottie xxx

Sunday, August 13, 2006

On the road again...

Hi all,
I was off camping last weekend with Mum and Dad, and it was great fun. I helped them with the stall, but there were also lots of old fashioned fairground rides. I really fancied a go on the Helter Skelter, but I think I´m still a bit small...

I had my passport pictures taken this week - they´re much better than the first ones we got a couple of weeks back.

We´re off up to London on Monday, as we need to go back to the Home Office for Daddy´s UK visa application. I´m hoping its not going to be as hot as it was last time. And fingers crossed it all goes well for us.

Mummy thinks I am musical - she says I was playing air piano in my car seat the other day. I do like music, almost as much as I like smiling. I am smiling most of the time I am awake now. Crying is for babies!

I´ll let you know how we get on in London...

Talk soon, love Little Lottie xxx

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Earning my keep...

Big news from me this week - I helped Daddy at work. He´s been so busy this last week or so with all the tourists, so yesterday Mummy and I went to help him.
I wore my best pink babygro (although I did fill it with a nappy blow-out later on... damn Veggie Chilli) and sat under the stall. I kept quiet but if someone was trying on a particularly unflattering piece of jewellery, I tried my best to let them know by crying.

I´m helping out again this weekend, as Daddy is doing a three-day event in Portsmouth. Mummy, Daddy, Zeus and I are all piling into the campervan and heading down there. What an adventure.

Mummy is organising my passport this weekend, too, so I should be up up and away in next to no time.

Aunty Claire went back to Spain this week, and mum has taken to eating these flourescent orange crunchy sandwiches. Wotsits, I think she called them. Or cheese doodles.

The Health Visitor saw me today and says that I am eating plenty and growing at the right rate. I am 10lb 11oz, so have put on quite a bit since my debut six weeks ago.

Anyway, I´d better go. I think I´ll be helping out on the stall again today. Time to ask for pocket money, I think.

Talk soon, love Little Lottie

Sunday, July 30, 2006

I'm a little bit sleepy...

Just the three of us...

Here's Mummy, Daddy and I taken this week.
My Doggy Zeus wouldn't get in the picture, but really there are four of us in this family.

Don't Mummy and Daddy look tired? They keep talking about sleep depravation, but I', sleeping seven hours at night now. They've nothing to complain about!

Talk soon, love Little Lottie xxx

Friday, July 28, 2006

Busy summer...

Hi all,
Sorry for my slackness in posting, but I have been so busy.
I took my first trip to London two weeks ago, to see the Queen. And the Home Office. Not bad for a four week old (as I was then...). Mummy says she was 11 before she got to go to London.
I was a really good girl and slept all the way there, and when I got there, Aunty M and Uncle Dom were there to give me lots of cuddles and show me around their garden. It was lovely.

Then Uncle Len, Aunt Michelle and cousin James came down for the weekend from Wales. It was lovely to get to meet them. I practically live in the vibrating chair they bought me.

Aunty Claire came over from Spain for Mummy's birthday and has taken about a hundred photos of me this week. She and Mummy took me on my first shopping expedition - to Barnstaple - this week. I wasn't so keen when we went on Monday and screamed my way around the shops. It was 37 degrees in my stroller, I'll have you know.
But we went back again yesterday and I loved it. I even had my first public nappy change... at Marks and Spencer, no less!!!

I can almost hold my head up now, am focusing more clearly on things and am starting to chuckle a little. I think I'm doing great!

Daddy has been working lots, but has been keeping me busy with his 'Dropzone' theme park ride he has created just for me. He is so funny. And he's been massaging mand rubbing my legs lots - Aunty Nicole told him I would love it. She was right. Can't wait to meet her, too!

Grandpa Otto may be coming from Florida to see me in a couple of weeks. And hopefully if Nandra is feeling better, I'll be going to see Nana and Grandpa Len in Spain in early September. Its all go for me!

Talk soon, Love Little Lottie xxx

Friday, July 07, 2006

Growing up so quickly...

Hi again,
I´ve had a very busy few days!
I finally got to watch an England game - I´d heard most of them when I was in Mummy´s tummy, but this was the first one I watched in person. Damn those Portugese. Ah well, I´ve a lifetime of tears to get used to, where England are concerned.

Aunty M and Uncle Dominic came downto watch the England ame with us. It was the first time I had met them. they are lovely. they brought me a mobile for my cot and lots of lovely smelly stuff for Mum. Aunty M is a good singer, too. She got me off to sleep on many an occasion. She and Uncle Dom took care of me so Mummy and Daddy could have a rest. It was fun.

Then on Monday, Mummy had a job interview that lasted four hours so Daddy had to take me out and keep me entertained. He drove me to Exeter, where Aunty Claire and Aunty Bo were arriving for a quick visit. I was pleased to see them, but I was also very hungry and missed my Mummy, so cried a bit. It was the longest I have been out of the house and I think I did very well.

Aunty Bo made some Pumpkin Risotto for Mummy and Daddy, but I´m not sure about Pumpkin yet. It gave me wind.

And the biggest news - my health visitor came to measure and weigh me this week. I have gone up to 8lb 13oz, which is fantastic! Not sure long I am, though. Unfortunately there was a bit of a commotion going on when they did that - I had a leaky nappy and poohed all over the measuring board. I won´t be able to show my face in there again...

Talk soon,
Love Little Lottie xxx

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

If you're happy and you know it...

Hi again,
Another quick update from Devon.
Mum and Dad are trying to get back into a routine, and so as I mentioned last time, I got a trip to the supermarket. I was so looking forward to seeing what stuff I could get Mum to buy for me, but I got a bit sleepy and missed the whole thing.

I'm a bit of an night owl at the moment, but my parents are doing a marvellous job.
Zeus is being really good too - he just likes to sniff my smelly nappies and lick my feet. It really tickles.

I was going to London next Monday to meet Aunty M and Uncle Dom, but Aunty Claire and Aunty Bo from Australia are going to come and cook dinner for mum and dad instead. I'm sure I'll get to London soon - it is a bit far away for me anyway.

Thanks to everyone for their emails and good wishes - I will make sure I get this updated as often as I am able. So much to do... and I'm only 10 days old!!!

Talk soon,
Lots of love Little Lottie xxx

Saturday, June 24, 2006

What a life...

Hi again,
Mum and Dad are still a bit busy trying to get me into a routine, so i thought I'd update this while they have a nap.

Not much new to report. I am feeding around the clock and really enjoying it. I'm trying not to be greedy, but its just so yummy.

I am sleeping for up to four hours at a time, which I believe is rather good for my age... I am only four days old, after all!

Daddy thinks I look a bit like Grandpa Len in Spain, but I haven't seen him yet. I'll let you know what I think. I know I have Mummy's eyebrows and my Dad's nose.

All in all, we're doing well. I'm going on my first outing to Tesco's this afternoon. Not sure what to expect - I hear they have fantastic romper suits and babygrows.

Talk soon,
Love Little Lottie xxx

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Welcome to my world

I'm Charlotte, and I was born on Monday June 19th 2006 at 9.35pm. The above pictures are me with my Mum and Dad. They seem really nice so far.

I'm going to be a tall girl - I am very long and have runners legs. Dad says I have fuzzy eyebrows... like he can talk! I've told him thats how complexes start.

I like to talk alot. As soon as mum delivered my head I was chatting away. I spoke to Aunty Claire in Australia on the phone this morning. I think talking is one of my favourite things to do. Oh, apart from eat and go in the swinging chair Uncle Len and Aunt Michelle got for me. It's fab.

Anyway, I just wanted to say hello. I will get Mum and Dad to update this as often as they can - they seem very tired for some reason.

Looking forward to meeting you all,
Love Little Lottie xxx