Sunday, December 31, 2006

Chitter, chatter...

Hi everyone,
Hope you're enjoying the festive season - I am!
Well I guess the biggest news here is that I have said my first word... it was Mama and unfortunately I said it when I woke up this morning, my Daddy's birthday. Whoops!!!
He didn't seem to mind, though - I gave him a couple of full nappies.
Mummy has been telling people that I've developed this fake cough. She's right, but its such fun to cough and watch her, Daddy and Paps look to me immediately to make sure I'm OK. I've not been able to keep a straight face since I started playing this game with them.
I've also started doing a little girly scream, though I think they've all got bored of it since I did it all through lunch at a local restaurant.
What can I tell you - I'm a vocal girl!!!
Anyway, Paps is babysitting me tonight when Mummy takes Daddy out for his birthday. They're going for Mexican, not that it will make much difference to me... I am weaning myself off the boob! Formula is LOVELY and I like taking a bottle these days.
I'm growing up fast...

Not sure what the plans are for NYE, but I know I will be wearing a tartan dress as a salute to my Scottish Grandparents. It's a tradition my Nana used to uphold, and make Mummy, Aunty Claire and Uncle Len follow, so I'm carrying it on. Great Aunt Margaret in Canada sent me a tartan outfit for Christmas, so I'll give that a whirl.

Anyway, I hope you have fantastic New Year celebrations, and I hope 2007 is good to each and every one of you.

Much love and talk soon,
Little Lottie xxx

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