Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Charlotte celebrations...

Hi again!
I've had the most exhausting two days of my short life, but it's been great!
It was first birthday yesterday - I was thoroughly spoiled with lots of great pressies. Better than anything, my Uncle Andre, Uncle Len, Aunty Michelle and cousin Mary Ellen came to see me from all over the place. I felt thoroughly spoiled, and had a lovely day.
I was still pretty tired from my late flight and had a little bit of jet-lag, but hey, I am just one!
Today - June 20th - was my big day. I had my baptism and birthday party today, and it was great fun.
I wore a beautiful dress for my christening (thanks Aunt Jean), as you can see ...

The baptism was lovely - the church was pretty and my Aunty Margaret and Uncle Pete came down from Manchester to cheer me on. I was pleased that the water at the baptism font wasn't too cold.

After the christening, we headed back to my house for some snacks and lunch ahead of my party. My friends from baby group came over, and they hung out with me and my family (there were lots of people in my small house, but we had a great time).
We all got a bit tired around 4pm, so my friends went home, my family cleaned up the house and I had a nap.
But not before I had my birthday cake and enjoyed my first ever chorus of Happy Birthday to you.
What a BRILLIANT day. I can't wait until I am two...

Thanks to everyone near and far for their cards, pressies and good wishes. I'll be getting my personal assistants to send out the thank you cards shortly!
Talk soon,
Love Little Lottie xxx

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