Thursday, November 07, 2013

That was the Summer that was . . . part one

Hi everyone,
I can't belive how quickly 2013 has gone. I am almost seven and a half and am already making my Christmas list for Santa.
But I've not been very good at keeping you up to date on my news so here's a quick recap . . .
Right after my birthday in June, Mummy, Daddy and I went for a weekend away to Manchester.
Mummy was born there and wanted to show us some of the parks and the places she used to go with Uncle Lenny and Aunty Claire when they were little.
It was brilliant although I did take a massive fall running down a hill at Lyme Park. It was so steep that my feet didn't touch the ground. I ruined my clothes and my shoes but I didn't hurt myself - Mummy broke my fall!

Aunty Claire and Aunty Amy arrived from Australia then too, so we got to hang out with them and go to more places Mummy and Aunty Claire remembered. It was lovely to see them - they brough me some cool skeleton pyjamas and adidas shoes which I needed after my fall - and it was lovely to finally meet Aunty Amy.

We met them again a week or so later in London. Mummy, Daddy and I had gone to London to see Aunty M and little Wren and we all went on the London Eye together. It was SO high up!! All the grown ups seemed really nervous of the height but Wren and I loved it so much. We could see Buckingham Palace from there - but the Queen wasn't home. We played in the sand at South Bank, had pizza and then got the train home on one of the hottest days of the year. We had a blast!

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