Monday, March 18, 2013

On my travels part one - Scotland

Hi everyone, I hope you're all well and that those of you in the Northern Hemisphere have not suffered so much this winter. Yep - I know what hemispheres are. I got a globe for Christmas. It seemed fitting when you consider how much I have travelled in the last (almost) seven years. Mummy, Daddy and I went away for a weekend last month, up to Scotland. Daddy had booked it as a wedding anniversary present for Mummy and I got to go too. We went to the capital of Scotland which is called Edinburgh. They have a castle there and lots of things to do with war and soldiers. I loved it. It turned out that Daddy had booked a hotel in a place called Musselburgh which is where my Great Nana Ann was from. I didn't even know that!! While we were in Scotland we went to this hidden town underneath the ground. We had to wear hard hats so we didn't bang our heads but it was super exciting and I really really loved it. It was a brilliant adventure.

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