Monday, August 27, 2007
Busy being sociable...
Hi all,
Can't believe its almost the end of August. It has been such a hectic few weeks... and I have been having FUN!!!
Daddy has been taking care of me while Mummy has been at work - I think they fancied a change. I love them both but it is cool to hang out with Daddy. He calls me Pumpkin and has a made-up song for everything - even my toast.
I've been to a few playgroups and playdates this last couple of days, but the highlight was going to an adventure park right here in Devon.
I got to go on big slides and a steam train which I loved because I got to wave to all the people around the track (I think Mummy called them gnomes). I also had my first ever go on a bouncy castle... I wasn''t that keen at the standing up part but I loved to sit down and bounce. I laughed for ages at that.
There's lots going on with family visits too. We're going up to North Wales to see Uncle Lenny and Aunty Michelle for a few days this week. I am looking forward to see them and I hear they have a HUGE grassed backgarden for me to run around in. Woohoo.
We've also just booked our tickets to Sam Francisco for Christmas. We're going to see Uncles Paul, Doug, Andre, Aunties Michelle and Nicole, cousin Maggie and of course Grandpa Otto. I can't wait but I think Mummy and Daddy are a little concerned at the thought of 14 hours on a plane with me, without a seat. That's a lot of Charlini!!
After the US we're heading straight to Spain to see Paps before he jets off to Australia to see Aunty Claire. See, we really are the jetset family!
Talk soon,
Love Little Lottie xxx
Friday, August 10, 2007
'Hey, I've put my new shoes on...'
Hi all,
Big news - I have my first pair of 'proper shoes'. Obviously I've had heaps of pre-walker shoes, and my new Nikes from Paps, but now that I am upright all the time, Mummy and Daddy decided it was time to go to Clarks and have my feet measured.
I am 4.5 F - it was great fun having my feet measured and the shoes were all very pretty, but I think the ones we chose for me are the best. Aren't they beautiful! They're very comfortable, although I'm an expert at getting them off because of the velcro. Maybe we should have got buckle-ups after all...
I've been going to a special baby group every Monday, which is all about exploring. Last week it was Messy Play, based on science (ice, jelly, water, dry, powders) so I spent my time in a paddling pool filled with cooked green spaghetti. I also dipped my feet in paint and walked all over the the floor (it was covered in paper) and it was jusrt great. Hands down, I was the messiest by far. Daddy had to come over with a whole new set of clothes for me before Mummy would put me in the car.
This week it wasn't quite so messy - I was playing in a big pile of cornflour. There are lots of bigger children there - some of them are five, and I like hanging out with them. We all sit at a table together and have a snack. Some of them lef their raisins, so once they'd been excused I ate the lot. Well, waste not, want not!
I have four new teeth almost through, but it has been very very sore this time. So much so that when Daddy was in the kitchen the other day I managed to get the phone and call the emergency services.
I only wanted to tell them that my mouth hurt and ask for their advice, but I couldn't get any words out so just did lots of breathing.
Daddy didn't know about it until they called us back to make sure we were ok and didn't need the police, fire or ambulance. I think they told him off for wasting their time, too. Woooops.
Sorry Daddy.
Anyway, that's the news from me this week.
Hope you're all well.
Talk soon,
Love Little Lottie xxx