Sunday, December 31, 2006

Chitter, chatter...

Hi everyone,
Hope you're enjoying the festive season - I am!
Well I guess the biggest news here is that I have said my first word... it was Mama and unfortunately I said it when I woke up this morning, my Daddy's birthday. Whoops!!!
He didn't seem to mind, though - I gave him a couple of full nappies.
Mummy has been telling people that I've developed this fake cough. She's right, but its such fun to cough and watch her, Daddy and Paps look to me immediately to make sure I'm OK. I've not been able to keep a straight face since I started playing this game with them.
I've also started doing a little girly scream, though I think they've all got bored of it since I did it all through lunch at a local restaurant.
What can I tell you - I'm a vocal girl!!!
Anyway, Paps is babysitting me tonight when Mummy takes Daddy out for his birthday. They're going for Mexican, not that it will make much difference to me... I am weaning myself off the boob! Formula is LOVELY and I like taking a bottle these days.
I'm growing up fast...

Not sure what the plans are for NYE, but I know I will be wearing a tartan dress as a salute to my Scottish Grandparents. It's a tradition my Nana used to uphold, and make Mummy, Aunty Claire and Uncle Len follow, so I'm carrying it on. Great Aunt Margaret in Canada sent me a tartan outfit for Christmas, so I'll give that a whirl.

Anyway, I hope you have fantastic New Year celebrations, and I hope 2007 is good to each and every one of you.

Much love and talk soon,
Little Lottie xxx

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Feliz Navidad...

Hi all,
Hope you had a fantastic Chritmas.
I had a lovely time - it was nice and sunny in Spain so I was able to eat my Christmas lunch outside. Very nice.

I spent most of the day in my Santa suit. I'm still not sure about it, but Mummy, Daddy and Paps all thought I looked very cute in it - complete with black santa boots.
I was, as you would expect, totally spoiled with gifts this year. I got far too many things to mention - thanks to all of you - but I think my favourite is my new dolly called Emily. I really love her.

The big relief on Christmas Day was that my Daddy was able to join us at all. There had been such bad fog in the UK in the days leading up to Christmas, and most flights had been cancelled. I was really worried he wouldn't have made it, but am thrilled to say he did. I think Paps is enjoying the male company - Mummy and I can be a bit girly some times.

We had a vegetarian Indian banquet for Christmas dinner. It was very yummy indeed.

So that's me really - we're going to be in Spain for the next five weeks, when my Paps should be out of his plaster.
He's bombing around in his wheelchair now, and seems to be able to do most things without too much drama (apart from take a bath...)

Talk soon and Feliz Navidad,
Little Lottie xxx

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Mercy dash to see my Paps...

Seasons greetings!
I'm in Spain!!! Mummy, Daddy and I weren't supposed to be getting here until Christmas Eve, but my Paps had a fall last week and broke his leg so Mummy and I came over straight away and are looking after him.

He is in a wheelchair, but is as fast as I am in my stroller.

I have been sitting with him and chatting to him quite a bit, as well as bouncing on his good leg.
We all went to see Nana at the cemetery yesterday, which I am sure she would have got a good laugh at. There was Paps in his wheelchair, going down a little but very steep ramp in the cemetery, with me on his lap (mummy couldn't push a wheelchair and a stroller) and Mummy not really able to slow us down. It was great fun. I think we'll be doing wheelies next.

Daddy is coming on Sunday, and I am looking forward to seeing him and letting him look after me a bit more so Mummy can look after my Paps.

I'm getting bigger and braver by the day, but with this courage comes danger, so I'm told. I crawled off the bed the other day and gave Mummy the fright of my life. I banged my head too, but it is ok. Not a mark actually! I think I heard Mummy talking about a straight jacket... I'm hoping that was only a fleeting thought.

As you can see from my picture this week, I have mastered the art of drinking ouf of a cup. I was a little unco-ordinated before and kept tipping it over myself, but I have mastered the art now I am in Spain. I need to drink all these fluids because of the lovely weather here.

Anyway, I will write more at Christmas, but until then, talk soon and Merry Christmas!

Much love, Little Lottie xxx

Monday, December 11, 2006

Fourteen more sleeps until santa comes...

Hi all,
Hope you're all well and set for Christmas.
I am looking forward to it - presents have already been pouring in for me. Thanks so much. Does this happen every year?

What to tell you about the last few weeks... I am now over a stone in weight. Apparently I'm slighty under weight, but I find that hard to believe since I have tasted Chocolate for the first time and can't get enough (relax - I'm not eating by the truckload... it's from my advent calendar and I get to suck a TINY piece).
I am still loving my solid food - parsnips are YUMMY! I am also using a big girl's sippy cup with handles on either side. I've not quite mastered the art yet, though. Sometimes I can get nothing out and other times I tip it all over me!!! D'oh!

I am also now too big for my bouncy chair so have graduated to a high chair. It's great being so tall - I can see heaps more stuff.

Uncle Lenny and Aunty Michelle came to see me this weekend. Uncle Lenny is funny - I think he needs his ears testing. There was I, chatting away to everyone, and making new sounds. My current one is ha-ba. Well, Uncle Lenny was convinced I was saying handbag (I WASN'T). I don't even know what a handbag is.

I've also started laughing but I've heard Mummy and Daddy say it is a fake laugh. There is nothing fake about me - I am just copying the sounds I hear around me.

I really like chewing the leg of the coffee table. I think it's the combination of varnish and dust, but I can't get enough. So, you can imagine my frustration in that it takes me about 20 minutes to manouvere myself from the rug to the table, and Mummy about two seconds to swoop down and put me back where I started. I guess I'm not supposed to be using the table as a teething ring...

Anyway, I think that's all my news for now. I'll keep you up to date as Christmas approaches. I am really very excited about it!!!

Talk soon, love Little Lottie xxx