Friday, October 24, 2008

The wedding pictures ...

Hi everyone,
So i took a little longer than I'd hoped to get these pictures to you - mainly because we were so busy in the lead-up to the wedding that mummy and daddy forgot our camera. So we had to wait for other people's photos :-(
Anyway, here's the three of us in all our glory. Check me out - dressed head to toe in Marks and Spencer's finest.

Although I did lose the look a little later when I spent the afternoon sliding down the hill on my bum. The grass stains are still coming out!

We had a lovely few days of wedding celebrations and it was great to see my Uncle Andre and my new Aunty Vicky. I also got to meet Aunty Michelle and Uncle Doug from America. I liked them very much. Just Aunty Nicole, Uncle Paul and cousin Maggie to go and I'll have met all the family.

Life has been very hectic with mummy back at university but she's really enjoying it and she brings me books from the library every time she goes, which I love. I ADORE books.
I'm talking away like a little parrot these days - and I've started shouting out 'I've lost my mum' when I am out in public which I know is a bit naughty but keeps me amused. I have also started pretending I am stuck when I am out with the dogs (and in bed) and shout 'Help, I'm stuck! I need a rope'.
I have been warned about the little boy who cried wolf so I will make sure I just use it for comedy effect rather than to panic people.

Anyway, I'll upload some more photos when we get them - hope these do you for now.
Trust life is well with you all.
Talk soon,
Love Little Lottie :-) xxx

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