Sunday, May 24, 2009

Long time, no hear ...

Hi everyone,
So very sorry for not updating this in such a long time. In my defence I am at nursery every morning now and my afternoons are full of playgroups, walking the dog and hanging out with my friends. It's tough being two and 11 months!

So much has happened ... let me try and remember. Mummy, Aunty Michelle, Cousin James and I went to Spain just before Easter to see Paps. It was nice to be near the beach in warm weather but it wasn't quite warm enough to get into the sea which was a shame. I'm hoping to do that when we go back later in the year though. Mummy and I also spent some time at Uncle Lenny's house - I love his house because he lets me play on his drums and he does everything I say! He's a softy sucker :-)

After my roller disco fun, Mummy and Daddy bought me some Dora The Explorer roller skates that you fix to your shoes. I love them and have so much fun spinning around on them. I could be the next non-ice version of Torville and Dean!

I took part in my school Easter sing-song with the other children and caused a bit of an uproar when were supposed to be singing 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star', but I sang the 'ABC ...' song instead. In my defence they have the same tune so I was just trying to show everyone how similar they were. I think mum was a bit embarrassed!

I have been to the dentist for the time - apparently all my teeth are in and now I have to brush them properly. I wasn't scared of the dentist at all AND I got a free sticker. I love stickers so I was a very happy girl.

I am going to two weddings this year. My Paps is marrying his friend Maria so Mummy, Daddy and I are going to Spain for a little holiday and to be there for the wedding. It should be lots of fun - Aunty Claire is coming from Australia for it and Uncle Lenny and Aunty Michelle will be there too so I will have plenty of people to go swimming with. Hurrah!
And the big wedding of the year is my Mummy and Daddy. They're getting married just after Christmas and it sounds like my Uncle Andre and Aunty Vicky will be coming over from Hong Kong, as well as Paps and Maria from Spain and Aunty Claire and Bo from Australia. It'll be so much fun - I'd better practice my dancing and my speech.

What with that and my third birthday next month, there is HEAPS going on at the momemnt!
I promise I won't leave it as long between updates.
Much love to you all,
(not so) Little Lottie xxx

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